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It’s time for the umpteenth iPhone, and plenty of fans are shouting, “Shut up and take my other kidney too!” But is it time to take profits? In Apple’s subterranean Steve Jobs Theater, CEO Tim Cook will unveil the latest iPhone today. People will howl in delight before lining up outside the company’s sleek stores.


Artificial Intelligence and iPhone X

This year’s Apple event is super exciting because today, Apple will remind the world that it still operates on Jobs’ vision and legacy, that it understands that innovation is driven not only by the convergence of software and hardware but by focusing extensively on the software.

Call it AR adoption or conditioning, Apple will do as much as it can to put forward an immersive user experience and convince the end users that they need immersive technology.

With ARKit, not only will we see developers building unprecedentedly immersive apps in the coming months but eventually, Apple will have a humungous number of AR apps and most importantly, an AR hungry audience by the time it launches its AR device.

Apple is working on making its AR device a success way before it hits the market by doubling down on software and conditioning their audience, unlike the gimmicky products by other companies. All this should be enough to convince anyone with even a tad bit understanding of technology about how seductively awesome a company Apple is! Waqas Khan

Homo Digitalis: The future of Automation

Who’s in need of an iPhone upgrade?

Apple is expected to unveil the newly-dubbed iPhone X in addition to two new iPhone 8 models. Possible new features include a radical new redesign with an edge to edge screen, and no home button. Plus a new ‘do not disturb while driving’ option that disables the phone automatically when you get in the car. Once people get the taste of AR, they simply won’t be able to live without it.

Related: Steve’s Apple iPhone 7


  1. Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 launched: Check out the full specifications of the bezel-less phone
  2. Andy Rubin with his Essential phone
  3. Jim Jannard with the Hydrogen One.

Fact Check:

  • Did you own an iPhone 5? It launched on this day in 2012.
  • This will be the first event in Apple’s new campus in SteveJobs theater!

Related: Why is Pakistan Bad at Innovation?

A decade after then-CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone, Apple is set to introduce a completely redesigned top-of-the-line iPhone along with two other new phones, as well as a big upgrade to the Apple Watch and a higher-definition Apple TV. Looking forward to an amazing keynote and product launch! Microsoft Windows 10 users can also view the live stream.




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